Sunday, September 30, 2012

Art Gallery Visit

Self Portrait with Monkeys
by. Frida Khalo
Oil Masonite
16 x 12 inches (40.6 x 30.5 cm)
Bequest of A. Conger Goodyear, 1966

Cyladic Heads
By Jiri Kolar
Chiasmage on wood
15 1/2*17 3/4*5 7/8 INCHES (39.4*45.1*14.9cm)

The Marvelous Sauce 1890
Jehan Georges Vibert
Oil on wood panel
25 x 32 inches (63.5 x 81.3 cm)
Bequest of Elisabeth H. Gates, 189

Echo, Wow And Flutter, 2000
By. Fred Tomaselli
Leaves, pills, photo collage, acrylic, and resin on wood panel
84 x 120 inches (213.4 x 304.8 cm)

The Cone, 1960
By. Alexabder Calder
Painted metal
100 x 110 x 65 inches (254 x 279.4 x 165.1 cm) 

Seaman's Belt, 1945
Jacob Lawrence
Gouache and watercolor on paper mounted on board
21 x 29 inches (53.3 x 73.7 cm)

The art work that made an impact on me was The Self-Portrait With Monkey by Frida Khalo. The reason this painted impacted me was that I was surprised to see that they had a Frida Khalo painting. She is my favorite artist of all time because she made portraits of her self. They were all different. I knew what she looked like. This painting was also the one that meant a lot to me because of it meaning. I feel a connection to Frida Khalo's Self-Portrait With Monkey because the animals on the painting represent the kids she never was able to have. In my family there are more than one women that struggle having kids. I share their pain because I was there with them. I would like to know more about Seaman's Belt because it is so abstract. It is so colorful and full of movement in my eyes. The painting makes my eyes dance around and I would like to know more about its meaning.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Logo Making Experience

1. Discuss what you thought about creating your logo.
When I first found out that we were going to be making Logo's I was surprised. This was because logos are such a powerful part of our lives and the media today. I immediately,  thought that the process would be hard because in the real world people spent huge amounts of time creating and developing a successful logo. 

2. Describe the process: creative thinking skills and ideas you used in the logo creation.
The process was difficult at the beginning  The reason being, that at first you do not know what exactly it is that your doing. I did not understand if this logo had to represent me or something else. It is difficult to create something that represent you because as one person we are so many things. Therefore, I created a logo for something that was not completely about me. However, I created it of something that I would like to see happening  After that first step it was easy to create the logo because the only problems were small and technical.

3. What was the most important discovery you made in the creation of your logo?
The most important discovery i made in making this logo was how creative I actually am. I did not discover this on my own. It was actually my friend who told me after I finished the logo. It was fascinating that my logo is a statue of a women holding flames. When I created this concept I though of the little statues that people get on award shows. So my logo is the logo for the Male Success Awards. I created a beautiful women because to me behind a powerful man is a successful women.

 4. What is the most important information you learned from watching the videos, powerpoint, and reading material  for this project? What is your opinion of the videos?

From the powerpoint, reading materials, and the video I gain many insight on the importance of logos and how they play into our lives. I learn in basic forms how people create logos and how important it is to know your audience. if you do not know your audience then the massage conveyed through the logo will not reach the audience. 

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Art Making Material Exploration # 1


1. At first when I saw that the teacher had told us to actually crate a color wheel and the value scale I was not happy. This was because I did not like to be so hands on. then, when i actually went to it I found out it was actually fun.
2. The on e i enjoy working with the best was the value scale because even though it was only black and white. It was fun to see all the different jades that the color black has. I also found that when you draw you can make a very expressive art work with just black and white.
3. Again the most important discovery to me was finding out that with black and white you can really make an image come to live because it has all these different expression to it.
 4. The most important information i learned from watching this video was that through simple art like this artist go on and create master pieces.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

AED Slide Show Project

Project #1

The process of making this project was actually fun. The pictures that I tock in the project where a my recent trip to Niagra Falls. Therefore, tking the pictures was a joyfull experince. However, the actuall making of the slide show was not fun because I experinced some teqnical dificulties. When I completed my slide show I was not able to share it from photo bucket to my blog. I don't understand why because I carefully followed the intruction on the powerpoint provided by the teacher. Since it did not work for me I leave you the link to my slideshow.
Hope that you Enjoy!!!!!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

AED Project #1 Color Facts and Emotions


1. Describe Color and it's effects on emotions. Use the appropriate vocabulary of color in your posting.

Some thing that was very important about color and that to me it was important to mention in this blog is that us human don't see color what we see is different lights. When we stand in a room of complete darkness the reason why we only see black is because no light is reflected upon our eyes. Another, important fact about color that I learned from the website is that objects are not seemed without light and that they reflect and absorbed different types of lights. Depending on the colors reflected and absorbed is that determines the color that the object will be. Moreover, colors have a direct effects on our emotions because different colors cam make us feel different things.
What is a theoretical aspect of color that most intrigues/fascinates you? Why?

In fact, one of the theoretical aspects of color that intrigues me is the fact that it has an impact on our emotions. Another theoretical fact that mostly fascinates me is the absorption and reflection of the color in an object. It is to me awesome how dark or black objects are the color they are because they absorb most of the light that hits them and reflect very little of it back. If black objects were to absorb all the light that strike them then they would become invisible. That bring me to my own realized conclusion that the darker an object is the more light it has absorb and the less it has reflect. That why we have different tones of black.

3. In the Color video, what made the biggest impact on you in regards to color and it's effects on emotions?

One of the the things that impacted me the most about seeing the video was the reason why some artist painted. In the video there was an artist called June Redfern that went to Venice, Italy to see Titian's Assumption of The Virgin to be inspired by his brilliant use of color. Then she painted the back drop of a regular building in Venice. She choose to paint this spot of Venice because it gave her a certain feeling of peace. Moreover, the thing that fascinated me the most about her work is that she painted the painted so that people could feel what she felt at the moment a supposed to what she saw. In the video it shows the frustration she had to go through in making the painting because the color sequence at some point of the process was not reflecting the exact emotions she was feeling when in Venice. It was very touching to see how important as an artist it was to her to get her feelings across using her art work and the color inside it.

4. In the Feelings video, what made the biggest impact on you in regards to color and it's effects on emotions?

The thing that impacted me the most how art is able to to illustrates a times feelings and believes. Moreover, what impacted me the most about color's effects of emotions is that thorough color you are able to see not only the feeling an artist is having but also what is going on on their lives. In the video Feelings, they talk about  Francisco Goya a Spanish artist that painted the emotions of his times. At some point of the video they discuss how through out time he went through major changes in his art work. In the early stages of his life he was painting using very bright colors and very happy scene. However, toward the end of his life he began to paint using very dark colors and painting very depressing scenes. It is amazing how the colors that his artist used in the paintings shows what he was feeling. This is because when he was painting using bright colors he was Young and happy. When he was painting using dark color he was getting sick and going through bad times.