Sunday, September 16, 2012

AED Slide Show Project

Project #1

The process of making this project was actually fun. The pictures that I tock in the project where a my recent trip to Niagra Falls. Therefore, tking the pictures was a joyfull experince. However, the actuall making of the slide show was not fun because I experinced some teqnical dificulties. When I completed my slide show I was not able to share it from photo bucket to my blog. I don't understand why because I carefully followed the intruction on the powerpoint provided by the teacher. Since it did not work for me I leave you the link to my slideshow.
Hope that you Enjoy!!!!!


  1. Sorry to hear you had technical difficulties, but the link you provided worked just fine. I am going to be honest, and let you know the good/not so good things I see in this project. REMEMBER, it is just my opinion, art is a form of expression, and not to take anything to heart as if you did something wrong. :)
    For your picture slideshow...
    Your image for rhythm, is you dancing with a girl. It does show rhythm, just a different version than the artistic definition of it, our resources defined it as making your eyes travel from one component to another. Your image for lines was pretty good, showing the fence and shadows of the fence, but the view of canada kind of takes your attention away from the purpose. Shape was probably one of your best ones, obviously a view from a window of a hotel or something, looking down on a perfect square of grass. Form, you showed a model elephant from the rainforest cafe...when I think of form, I think of a sphere or box, but anything is a form whether it is free form or not I guess. Space, you did Niagara falls, the sky, and water, which showed the openness of the area surrounding the water. Color was well portrayed by the rainforest cafe, anything in canada or near clifton hill is very colorful! Texture is one I might want to debate you on...the fake snake from the cafe. You had the right idea, but I feel like an upclose picture of this may have been better to show the scales or something that would make me want to feel it through the photograph. Balance was cool how you used a mirror photobooth option from a mac. Emphasis...I did not get this one. It is a group of (mostly) african american students with matching outfits. I couldn't tell if you wanted me to look at the few caucasian people in the picture, you (I think) being one of the only one not matching, or the girl in the middle holding a piece of paper. There is a lot going on in this picture and I couldn't pin point what you wanted me to see was emphasized. Movement was perfect, you can practically see the water rushing over the falls. Pattern, seemed kind of humorous to me, that it seemed like you were just taking a picture of yourself, but there was a girl behind you with a crazy pattern on her shirt. That would almost be emphasis to me. (haha). Repetition was pretty good, but was pretty much a copy of your balance picture, not sure if that metaphor was on purpose or not, or if the prof caught that. Proportion I had a little trouble understanding also, just looked like a picture taken from the ground up of a bunch of people? What showed proportion? Variety...again with the race thing, I feel a little uncomfortable bringing this up, but a group of people of all different ethnicities is an awesome way of showing variety... I just really hope that's what you were actually going for, so I don't sound silly. Lastly, for your unity picture, it almost looked more like chaos than anyone/anything working together in a positive way. Whatever it was, it looks fun, but more like a mosh pit than maybe someone helping someone, or something more unifying.
    Again, please please please don't take any offense to any of my comments. I think overall you did a very good job, I just wish there was more VARIETY in your pictures. A summary of this would be, ok he had fun in canada at the rainforest cafe, and likes to hang with his friends. Maybe some nature pictures or something to BALANCE it out. :) Good job!

  2. Your photo for texture was wonderful! It was really was clear what element you used in that photo. Your photo for emphasis however was lacking, I was very unsure of what exactly was being emphasized. Niagra falls is so beautiful and the photo you used for spce really let the viewer see that! Good job, enjoyable photos! But for future reference in order to embed the slide show when creating the blog click on HTML to the left of the screen and it will make your text appear different but it's okay because it will allow you to paste your link so it can embed instead of just having a link.
