Sunday, October 7, 2012

Art/Making Material Exploration

A. What is installation art?
From what I found out in the videos and in the text book, Installation art is a type of art that transforms the perception of an specific space. This type of art work can be created from any artist.

B. What materials are used installation art?
The funny thing about installation art is that there are no specific materials required. It is not like painting, where you need something to paint with and something to paint on. In installation art you can use anything to transform a space into whatever you want it to be. Like, In the video the artist used metal with the help of engineers to transform a building into an installation piece.

C. Why make installation art?
From what I have leaarned this week there is not an exact reason why artist make installaion art. A reason can be that there are those artist who love to make a big statement. Maybe their not content with a small art piece so they decide to make the whole room an art form. I believe, that other artist make installation art to make other people see what they saw or felt in a room. Installation art is a perfect example of the fact that art can be anything and in anywhere.

D. Which artist/installation did I find most interesting?
My favorate installation artist, so far, is Ricahrd Wilson. He is my favorite because the installation pieces that he creates that are not only artistic but also very funtionable. An installation piece of his that i found very interesting was when he redesign the out side of the Arc Art center in 1999. He turned the whole buildidng into an installation piece. The windows turn in circles and allowed the people to see.

A. From the material reviewed, is there a inspiration piece that I feel a connection with?
The piece I feel a connection with is the Arc Art Center that was created in 1999 by Richard Wilson. the reason I felt a connections was because I like when art work has a function.

B. What theme do I want to explore in my installation? Refer to your textbook if you need to review Themes of Art. (chapter 3 in text)
(Nature, Environment, Self, Mass Media, Consumerism, etc.)
The theme that I would like to explore is environment because I want to create installation art out of the enviroment that I live in on a everyday basics. I will like to use my bed as an istallation art.  

C. What materials will I use?
The fun thing about this materia exploration is that I am able to use anything. When creating installation art you dont have to spent money because you can make it out of anything. I am going to use the things that are in my room as the materials of the installation art.

D. Where will this installation be located and why
My intallation art will be located in my room. The reason why my room was because in my room is the place that feel the most created. It, will also be fun to directs someones attention when they come in my room.

Private Space
Shows the things going on in life

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