Saturday, October 6, 2012

Module Six Video Review

1. For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.

In the first video "Through the Eyes of the Sculptor" we got to discover the ways in which sculptures are made. The reason the title of the video refers to through the eyes of a sculpture is because we learn thorough the very talented French sculptor Emmanuel Fillion. In the video he gives us a walk through the process of making sculptures. I learned many things about sculptures. One of the things I learned is that sculptures can be made with marble, clay, and lime stone. I also leaned a little more about the way artist restore sculptures that are centuries old. The way they restored sculptures that were part of a bridge in France was by removing the original sculpture from the bridge and placing a geometric shape where the old sculpture was at. Then the artist used the old sculpture as a model to shape the scare block that was place on the bridge. Another interesting thing I learned was that in order to carefully transport sculptures from the workshop to their destination, the artist creates bridges on the parts of the sculpture that are hanging on air. The second video "Glass and Ceramics" was my favorite video of all three because I got to learn about something that was always around me but that I did not know how it was made. Glass and ceramics, are something that we use and deal with every single day. So, it was interesting to see how it was created. The thing that I leaned, that shocked me the most was that glass is not a solid but a solidified liquid. I would have never guess that glass was also made using sand and fire. It was interesting to find out that seashells to make it more solid. making glass is a step by step process. After the artist have given the glass a shape he then puts it back into the fire to make the glass stronger. I have to say the third "Installation Art" video was my least favorite because it dealt with a form of art I was unfamiliar with. With this video I lean what was installation art is a type of arts that takes over a room. According to the video, installation art is a very fashionable and controversial art form that uses three-dimensional shapes to capture the eye of the viewer. When the artist of installation art creates a piece he designs the art to take the viewers attention. Installation art is difficult to do because it is a form of art roughly about 30 years old.

2. How do the videos relate to the readings in the text?

The videos and the textbooks are very related to each other. The reason, being that in the textbooks there were many descriptions about what craft and sculptures were. However, watching the videos gave me a more detailed description of the three concepts. The videos to me were like the second step in the lesson to further understand this weeks teachings. For example in the video i got to see the process in which the artist creates sculptures from the view point of the artist. Where as, the textbook only described the process and we had to comprehend how it was.

3. What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to understanding of the topics: Sculpture, Installation, and Craft?

I as very satisfied with all of the videos because from them we got to really understand the art of sculptures, installation art, and craft. I do not think that with the textbook along I was going to be able to grasp these three concepts at the level that I do now. Like I mentioned before my favorite video was "Glass and Ceramics" because I got to understand glass and it was not boring. Nonetheless, the video about installation art was a drag. To say the truth, I was not able to finish the whole thing. The narration of it was boring and that got in the way of me better understanding what installation art really was.

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