Saturday, November 3, 2012

Video Review Module 10

1. Explain why you selected each of the TWO videos you choose from the selection listed above.
I selected the Buddhism video because this is a religion and culture that I've always wanted to learn about. Growing up I saw small pieces of art from Buddhism about fat monks. I choose Hinduism after the Buddhism because I wanted to really see what was the difference between the two. I had always related them to be the same thing.

2. For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.
In the first video I must point out that it was very difficult because to me this topic is hard to understand because it was something that I had never learned about. Something that was easy to understand was that Buddhism began in India. It was very interesting to find out that it began with an extraordinary man that was the son of a king, had a beautiful wife, a son, and many servants. He later went to the real world and found out that the world was not perfect. He saw disease, the waist of old people and the death. He later found a monk who helped him find the an wear to the question; is this all there is? The, he finally sat under a three under Bodh Gaya. When he awoke he saw the world in different eyes. From that the enlighten can and Buddhism was born. In the other video the journey began in Varanasi, India. I learned that it is the oldest inhabited city in the world and it was also where Hinduism was born. It is the holiest city for Hinduism. The river Ganges in Varanasi is a symbol for life, death, and rebirth. Hinduism does not have a founder, a prophet or system. It has many gods that act in the similar way Cristian saints act. They provide a window access to God. In this case Brahma.  Al these Gods that the Hindu has provided its people the opportunity to illustrate them through their beautiful art. Unlike Christian, Hindu believes in reincarnation. Hindus can worship anywhere. Everything in Hinduism is believe to be symbolic. This Symbolism is represented by the architecture and art of the Hindu. Their Temple are very small. However they have many decorative art in detailed added to them. In Hindu they use stone and rocks to turn it into art Mother earth or Mother Ganges made herself into art in a rock. At the hearth of Hinduism, giving up earthly things is key. To die in Varanasi is the drem of all hindu because this will allaw them to break from the cylce of birth and reincarnation.

2. How do the videos relate to the readings in the text?
The video related to readinf in the text because it gave a picture and story about all the things we learned in the text. In the video we got to see moving film about some of the architecture and arts that we got to learn about in the book. Such as the beautiful city of Varanasi.

3. What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to understanding of the readings and art concepts?
the videos were really key in provided with depth and understandings about the topic at hand. this week the videos were more important than they ever were because they further explained a very difficult concept which is religion through art. Especially the art of these two cultures or religions Buddhism and Hinduism. These are two concepts that are very difficult to explain by just Reading about it on a textbook.

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